"High degree of trust" - ARACIS (2013 - 2018)
"University of Advanced Research and Education" - Education Minister Order nr. 5262 of 5.09.2011
Do you want to become a student of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca? All you need to know is here.
The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, a university of advanced research and education, part of the international academic community, offers undergraduate, masters and doctoral degree programs which have a dynamic and performing response to contemporary requirements and competitive society. Find out how you can become one of the Technical University students!
Undergraduate studies
In the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, undergraduate studies are carried out in the 12 faculties (9 in Cluj-Napoca, 3 in Baia Mare, plus the extensions in Alba Iulia, Bistrita, Satu Mare and Zalau) 4 years in the case of engineering sciences, respectively 3 years at the Faculty of Letters and at the Faculty of Sciences in the North University Center in Baia Mare and 6 years at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.
The studies end with a bachelor's degree examination, consisting of a diploma project and general and specific examinations, which entitle the graduates to receive the title of engineer with diploma license or a licensed engineer in the profile and specialization followed.
The diploma awarded after the promotion of an undergraduate study program is called diploma in engineering or, as the case may be, a University Graduation Diploma. The University Graduation Diploma shall include all the information necessary to describe the program of study graduated, including the form of education followed and the title obtained. The University Graduation Diploma is accompanied by the supplement to the diploma and is issued, free of charge, in Romanian and in an international language. The undergraduate university studies correspond to a minimum of 180 and up to 240 transferable study credits, according to ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Undergraduate studies in Architecture are an exception, the studies last of 6 years (4+2) and correspond to a number of 360 credits. Undergraduate university studies can be organized under state funding or under tuition fees.
Graduates with a University Graduation Diploma can continue their specialization or further training in the Master's studies, organized at all faculties and then at the doctoral school.
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Admission Undergraduate Programs
Master's Degree Studies
Master's degree studies represent the 2nd cycle of university studies, a continuation of the undergraduate studies and are completed by defending the dissertation thesis. They have a duration of 2 years and correspond to a minimum number of transferable study credits, ranging from 60 to 120.
The University Graduation Diploma of graduates who studied in long term education programs prior to the application of the three Bologna cycles is equivalent to the master's degree diploma in the specialisation.
Master's degree programs can be:
- professional masters, mainly oriented towards professional skills training
- research masters, mainly oriented towards the formation of scientific research competences. The learning achieved within the research master can be equated with the first year of study in doctoral studies programs. The Master of research is exclusively a full time education program and can be organized in doctoral schools.
- didactic master's degree program, exclusively a full time education program
The graduates having a University Graduation Diploma or equivalent may apply for Master's degree program. The diploma awarded after a master's degree program and a successful dissertation defence is called a master's degree diploma and includes all the information needed to describe the program of study graduated, including the type of education. It is accompanied by a supplement to the diploma which is issued free of charge in Romanian and an international language.
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IOSUD (Organizing Institution of Doctoral Studies)
Doctoral studies represent the third cycle of university studies and allow the acquisition of the PhD title on the basis of the Code of university doctoral studies approved by a Romanian Government Decision. Doctoral studies programs are organized in the Doctoral School. In the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the doctoral study programs are scientific PhDs, which have as purpose the production of original scientific knowledge, international relevance, based on scientific methods, and they are exclusively a full time education program. The scientific PhD is a prerequisite for a professional career in higher education and research.
The doctoral study program is conducted within the Doctoral School under the coordination of a PhD supervisor and includes: a) a training program based on advanced university studies, within the doctoral school; b) an individual program of scientific research. Doctoral studies may also be organized under joint-supervision, in which case the PhD student carries out his activity under the co-ordination of a Romanian PhD supervisor and a PhD supervisor from another country; or under the co-ordination of two PhD supervisors from different institutions in Romania, based on a written agreement between the organizing institutions involved. The doctoral studies under joint-supervision can also be organized if the PhD supervisors are members of the same doctoral school but have different specialities / fields of study or if one of the PhD supervisors has reached the retirement age, according to the provisions of the University Charter. The duration of the doctoral study program is usually 3 years. In special situations, the duration of the doctoral studiy program may be extended by 1-2 years, with the approval of the university Senate, at the proposal of the PhD supervisor and within the limits of the available funds. The doctoral studies can be interrupted for solid reasons under the conditions established by the Institutional Regulation for organizing and conducting doctoral studies. The duration of these studies is therefore extended by the cumulative periods of approved disruptions. The curriculum and the research program are established by the PhD supervisor and the Doctoral School. Doctoral studies are organized with funding from the state budget, under tuition fees or other legal basis. Only graduates with a master's degree or equivalent may take part in the admission contest for doctoral studies. During the doctoral studies, the person enrolled in the study program has the status of PhD student. PhD students are employed as research assistants or university assistants with a fixed-period contract.
Continuing education
For the graduates of a higher education system, the Romanian National Education Law stipulates that in Romania lifelong learning is to be achieved through postgraduate programs of continuous training and professional development.
Organized courses are offered individually or grouped into complex programs, the latter having a pronounced character of professional reconversion.
Upon graduating from a postgraduate program of continuous training and professional development organized under the form of a course or a structured group of courses, the graduates receive a certificate of attestation of professional competences accompanied by a descriptive program of the course. The training programs carried out under the form of distance learning take place through the use of specific electronic, computer and communication resources, self-learning and self-evaluation activities completed by specific tutoring activities. Reduced frequency education (IFR in Romanian) is an integrated form of education with common features both with the traditional system and with the distance learning system.
The IFR is aimed in particular at people who can not fit into the timetable of day-courses. IFR is a flexible form of education which gives students the opportunity to manage their own learning process in a fusion program within the organizing educational institution.
IFR is characterized by replacing the teaching hours (course) with individual study activities; communicating educational information through multiple, specific, and distance learning means of communication; periodic meetings with students for the implementation of the compulsory activities, stipulated in the curricula (seminars, laboratories, practical works, projects, specialized practice).
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